Thoughts and Notes from CA


OracleのSun買収 気になる海外の反応


With Sun, Oracle will more directly compete against I.B.M., H.P. and other giants selling products and services used in corporate data centers by big corporations. The move by Oracle is part of the trend of the largest technology companies to assemble more offerings ― hardware, software and services ― for corporate customers, often through acquisitions, as I.B.M., H.P., Cisco and Oracle have all done in recent years.
Sunを手にすることで、OracleIBM、HP、そして企業のデータセンタで活用されるような製品とサービスの両方を提供する他の 巨大企業と直接競合することになる。IBM、HP、Cisco、そしてOracle自身がここ数年で実施してきたことだが、テクノロジーの巨大企業は顧客のために、買収を重ねながら、ハードウェア、ソフトウェア、サービスといった多様なオファリング群をとりそろえてきたが、Oracleの今回のSun買収もその流れの一貫である。

Mr. Loughridge said Oracle and Sun had been partners in jointly selling their software and hardware to customers for decades. But since 2000, he said, I.B.M. has steadily gained share in the market that is Sun’s mainstay, server computers running the Unix operating system. “I ask myself, ‘What’s changed?’ ” he said. “I’d say, ‘Nothing.’ ”
IBMのCFOローリッジはここ数十年にわたりOracleとSunは顧客にソフトウェアとハードウェアを共同で販売するという緊密なパートナーシップの関係にあったと述べる。だが2000年以降、Sunの稼ぎ頭であるUnix OSシステムのサーバー市場でのシェアをIBMは着々と伸ばし続けてきたと、続ける。「で、ちょっと考えてみたんだ、『一体何が変わったんだ?』って。答えは簡単だ、『別に何もかわらない』」と。

The industry just changed. Oracle raised the stakes of the game. The new ante to get into the game is integrated hardware/software systems, and as IBM, Microsoft, and Oracle increasingly demonstrate, open-source software plays an increasingly important role in feeding these systems.

My prediction: Oracle will sell the hardware parts of Sun's business (storage, servers and SPARC) to some combination of Hitachi, EMC, Fujitsu and HP and more than return what they paid for Sun. In the end they will get some great software assets from Sun for free.

In some ways, the open source MySQL database was disrupting - but not destroying - Oracle’s traditional database business. By acquiring Sun, Oracle has a much higher chance of dominating the present and future database markets - whether customers want open source or closed source options.

Will Oracle advance MySQL (from a corporate level) further into mission critical workloads where Oracle's database already exists? Maybe, maybe not. One thing is for sure, Oracle will have one massive database portfolio of both commercial and open source database technology.

Oracle, not having the best possible reputation in the Open Source space, will have a hard time keeping the remaining MySQL people in the company or even working on the MySQL project. Oracle will also have a hard time to ensure to the MySQL customers, community and users that it will keep MySQL "free and available for all".

The downside is that Oracle's feelings about open source – and hence its advocacy - are probably more ambiguous than Sun's. In particular, it seems to have very little truck with the more idealistic leanings of the free software side of things. Pragmatists might rejoice at that, but it does mean that Oracle will be aiming to use open source as a tool rather than see itself as an evangelist with a mission to convert.

But those database products are actually not really competing - instead they are complementary. Assuming the merge completes as planned, this will leave the new company with a complete spectrum of databases: an embedded database (Berkeley DB), an open source database (MySQL) as well as the full-blown Oracle Enterprise RDBMS.
しかしながら、MySQLOracleの保持するデータベース製品は実際には全く競合関係には無い、むしろ補完関係にある。統合が計画通りに完了すると仮定すると、組込みDB(Berkeley DB)、オープンソースDB(MySQ)、フル装備型のOracle Enterprise RDBMSという完全なデータベースの製品群を新しい会社は保持することになる。

For near to medium future, it'll be integration in the style of Oracle: to carry multiple overlapping products in the portfolio at the same time, renaming the products and the installation directory, and slapping a new logo onto them.

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